Walter cronkite quotes on jfk assassination
Walter cronkite quotes on jfk assassination on tv!
Walter Cronkite On The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy
The story of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy has been told many times by many people.
Among those who told it first was the late Walter Cronkite.
Walter cronkite quotes on jfk assassination video
He anchored the CBS News coverage during the first hours after bullets hit the president in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, 50 years ago Friday.
A decade ago, Cronkite put together a story about that fateful day for NPR. He combined his recollections with several remarkable recordings from the day of the assassination, recordings few had heard before.
Cronkite's reminiscences were rebroadcast Friday on All Things Considered. The audio of the story is above.
Walter cronkite quotes on jfk assassination
Cronkite, who covered some of the biggest stories of the last half of the 20th century, remembered that Friday in 1963 vividly: a slow day that burst into action when the first dispatches from Dallas went out.
"UPI teletypes around the world started ticking out the news," Cronkite recalled.
"One of them was on