Cm coolidge biography channel

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    Coolidge: A Documentary Biography

    Calvin Coolidge: A Documentary Biography reveals the "album version" of President Calvin Coolidge, featuring extended excerpts and, indeed, often the entire texts of major Coolidge addresses-as well as presenting a host of other illuminating documents, authored both by or about America's vastly underrated thirtieth president.

    Cm coolidge biography channel

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  • Calvin Coolidge: A Documentary Biography shines a searchlight on Silent Cal Coolidge's world and worldview as no previous book ever has.

    It's all here:

    * The opposites-attract love story of taciturn Cal Coolidge and his outgoing wife Grace Goodhue Coolidge.

    * Jack Kennedy had his Irish Mafia, Jimmy Carter had his Georgia Mafia.

    The story of Frank Stearns, Dwight Morrow, and Calvin Coolidge's "Amherst Mafia."

    * Phenomenal vote getter Coolidge won more offices than any other president. The secret of how this painfully shy man did it. His strong appeal to Democrats.

    * The 1919 Boston Police Strike