Paul s imprisonment timeline examples

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    Paul s imprisonment timeline examples list.

    What is a timeline of Paul’s life?


    The study of the life of the apostle Paulis both challenging and rewarding. He is called Saul, his Hebrew name, and Paul, his Roman name (Acts ).

    We first meet him at the martyrdom of Stephen in Acts 7.

    Paul s imprisonment timeline examples

  • Paul s imprisonment timeline examples pdf
  • Paul s imprisonment timeline examples list
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  • Why was paul imprisoned
  • Saul is “a young man” (Acts ), and he “approved of putting Stephen to death” (Acts , NASB). Paul was probably about 33 years old at that time.

    Saul became a persecutor of the believers, and “he made havoc of the church” (Acts , NKJV).

    On his way from Jerusalem to Damascus to capture more Christians, he himself was “captured” by Jesus Christ (Acts –9). After his conversion, Saul spent three years in Damascus and Arabia, receiving what might be called his “Bible college instruction” (Galatians –18).

    After this time he returned to Jerusalem to meet Peter and James, the brother of Jesus, who were understandably wary of him, but the apostles received him because of Barnabas’s testimony (Acts –28).

    When he learned that the