Abraham lincoln biography for kids facts

  • Abraham lincoln biography for kids facts
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    Abraham lincoln biography for kids facts

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  • Online biography for kids
  • Biography of famous people for kids
  • When was abraham lincoln born and died
  • 50 facts about abraham lincoln
  • On February 12, 1809, Abraham Lincoln was born in a one-room log cabin on Nolin Creek in the southeast of Hardin County, Kentucky. As a result, he became the first president to be born in the country’s western region.

    Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks, his parents, were farmers.

    Before leaving for Perry County, Indiana, in 1816, Lincoln and his family spent their time living in Kentucky. Lincoln was nine years old when his mother passed away from milk sickness. After grieving over his mother, his father later wed Sarah Bush Johnston.

    Online biography for kids

    Lincoln and his stepmother got along well; he actually called her “Mother” rather than “Stepmother” or “Sarah.” She encouraged him to pursue his own education.

    Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States.

    Despite his struggles, he emerged as one of the greatest leaders in the USA. He abolished slavery in the country and united the country during the difficult times of the civil war. Here are some