Troubleneck brothers album the black
Troubleneck brothers album the black death...
LP - 2025 - HHE
" The Troubleneck Brothers saga continues!
Troubleneck brothers album the black
Late last year our friends of 90s Tapes released the amazing Troubleneck Brothers - Love / Hate compilation album. A lot of headz got to know the crew for the first time and found out they were the real deal. For those in the know already, it was one of the most anticipated hip-hop albums ever!
HHE will now help further cement TNB's legacy by dropping another chapter. This album was released under their alias "36Zero" and this project "Entadacipha" was originally released back in 1994 on tape only " - courtesy of HHE
Available on Red Opaque Vinyl (HHV Exclusive - 100 copies), Black Vinyl (150 copies), CD (250 copies) & Cassettes (100 copies)