Percy shelley poems about his life
Percy shelley poems about his life by robert.
When observing the poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) one cannot separate the political views and rebellious nature of the man from his works.
Percy shelley poems about his life
Ever in opposition to the English government and to the religious orders of his time (see his work The Necessity of Atheism), Percy Bysshe Shelley’s works come across as blunt statements regarding our existence, our political views, and our dependency (or lack thereof) of God.
As interesting as his poetry, is the life of Percy Bysshe Shelley.
At the early age of 19 he eloped with Harriet Westbrook. Later, Shelley abandoned her and his daughter to join in another marriage to Mary Godwin. This was an illegal marriage that only became recognized as legal upon the suicide of Harriet Westbrook (by drowning).
Percy shelley poems about his life summary
His family life, however, was not the only area of drama. In 1818 Percy Bysshe Shelley went into permanent Italian exile. He lived here until a month before his thirtieth birthday.
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