Hippocrates life biography of celebrities

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    Hippocrates life biography of celebrities today...


    460 BC
    Kos, Ancient Greece

    Diedc. 370 BC
    Larissa, Ancient Greece

    Hippocrates was an ancient Greek physician whose work was enormously influential with the development of modern medicine.

    Hippocrates life biography of celebrities

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  • Through the lens of history, he is viewed as one of the very greatest of all physicians of Greek antiquity.

    The Early Years of Hippocrates

    As is the case with many famous persons born a long time ago, many of the records of the birth, life, and death of Hippocrates have been lost – if they were recorded at all.

    Based on the records that do survive, we can ascertain that Hippocrates was born in 460 B.C. in Kos, Greece. What we do know about the man is found in the work of his primary biographer Soranus of Ephesus and also in the writings of the philosopher Aristotle.

    Hippocrates was the son of Heraclides, who was also a physician.

    It would seem that Hippocrates learned the basics of early medic