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    People and Animals: Across India, people make space for wildlife even though it comes at a cost. The animals may eat their crops, prey on their livestock, pose a threat to their own life and limb.

    Despite these inconveniences, many communities don’t persecute wildlife. They may consider the creatures to be embodiments of god in some instances, but they may also put up with them because they think the animals are beautiful.

    Janaki lenin biography pdf

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  • While the media plays up the few extreme instances of human-wildlife confrontations, it doesn’t pay any attention to the many adjustments people make to their lives and livelihoods to accommodate wild creatures. My monthly column in The Hindu celebrates these unsung rural champions of wildlife.

    I also write about these interactions for the Indian Quarterly, the Caravan, Mint Lounge, The Hindu Businessline, Quartz among others. You can read some of the stories here.

    Conservation: I write about wildlife conservation practice and policies for Scroll, The Guardia